Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy Reading

I wanted to share part of the first chapter of my novel Treacherous Trust with you.  I hope you enjoy it.  If you would like to finish the book you can go to this site to get your own copy in ebook form:


The waters of the lagoon shimmered around Holly like smoked glass in the late afternoon sun. Beyond the strand, nothing more than a narrow thread of sand and coral, the Caribbean pounded, a constant roar in the otherwise tranquil surroundings. As she sat motionless in the dugout it occurred to her how much she was like this place. Outwardly, the world saw her as a tranquil, though somewhat melancholy, person. They had no idea of the restless, relentless inner tumult she felt.
Paddle across her knees, she stared at the blueness beyond the strand. The sea and sky met without any conflict of color, in perfect harmony. She knew she should have been able to find peace and calmness in this place; yet it was not to be. She closed her eyes and sighed at the hopelessness that filled her. More than two years had passed and still she was unable to cope with what had happened. Unable to understand why such tragedy had occurred in her life. Unable to put it behind her, to overcome the feeling of guilt, and to get on with living. So much horror in one brief moment; it had left her shattered and questioning the faith that had once given her strength so long ago.
The gentle current within the lagoon had pushed her towards shore and into the shade of the mangroves that formed a canopy over the landward side of the lagoon. Although the shade was pleasant and cool, the hum of mosquitoes was not. Unwilling to be a meal for the hungry insects, she was readying her paddle when she became aware of a new sound. She frowned, turned her head to the left, feeling pressure against her eardrums. The air throbbed and she felt a deep vibration in her chest. Startled, she glanced up and gasped as a blue helicopter with black markings swept across the lagoon, barely skimming the surface, the water ruffled by the vortex from its blades. The chopper careened seaward and rose slightly before it turned landward again. Suddenly a second helicopter, dark grey in color and much larger than the first, roared into view.  From the larger chopper the rattle of gunfire stung the air, and ripped at the water. Bullets hammered the surface of the lagoon less than a foot from her dugout and showered her with spray. The blue helicopter swerved seaward as gunfire from the larger chopper peppered its side. The blue helicopter spun around, away from the sea, trailing dark smoke. The wind from its blades rattled the upper branches of the mangroves not one hundred feet from Holly before crashing into the marshland beyond. She could see the blades of the larger, grey helicopter through the treetops as it hung in the throbbing air over the crash site for what seemed an eternity.
Renewed gunfire rattled as a third helicopter, black in color, roared across the lagoon from the sea. The larger helicopter returned fire for several seconds before it rose into the air, swerved left and out to sea.  The third followed with continued gunfire. Holly gasped as she realized she’d been holding her breath. Through the mangroves she saw smoke and realized that the downed machine was close by. Every instinct told her that either or both of the other helicopters would be back and she should put distance between herself and this place. Yet she couldn´t go. Someone might still be alive. She couldn´t just leave. No more deaths could be on her soul.

Holly ignored the mosquitoes that now did more than hum and paddled toward a small estuary that was hardly wider than the dugout.  She maneuvered between the mangrove roots using her paddle to push pass and under low-hanging foliage as she worked her way deeper within the canopy to strike solid, though spongy ground. She climbed out into ankle-deep water, carefully tied the dugout to a protruding root, and headed into the swamp. A nearby caiman watched her with wicked yellow eyes as it displayed rows of teeth. She sighed with relief when it slapped the water with its tail and sank beneath the surface. Several others sank quietly without a ripple beneath the surface of the water.  Glancing nervously around, she plunged deeper into the undergrowth toward the smoke.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    *     *


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Book Review by Sandra

{ Treacherous Trust by L.V. Delcid - Book Review }

Holly McLairn is still struggling to overcome the tragedy that left her a widow two years ago. However, all that changes when she rescues a mysterious and embittered stranger from a fiery helicopter crash, Now that act of kindness has not only put her fragile heart in danger, but her life as well.

I was recently contacted by Lola Delcid, back when I was still on Facebook, and asked if I would consider reviewing her first book.  Lola is the mom of one of my friends on Facebook and so I immediately said yes, I love helping out new authors and if they are related to someone I know, then even better.

I didn't quite know what to expect from the novel.  Obviously when I read a book that is the authors first, I have nothing else to compare it to, previous work, word of mouth, reviews etc.

I consider it a bit of a test to see if I can stay with it, or if it is not to my liking.

I was pleasantly surprised.  I enjoyed the book from the very beginning and quite liked the main character Holly, she was spunky and funny.

The story is well written, it was an easy read and I didn't find that I got bored or that I was faced with dry material.

For it being Lola's first book, I think she did a phenomenal job and I'm quite looking forward to the next book in the Tropical Skies series.

If you want to get your hands on a copy, head on over to Amazon.

If you would like to know more about the author, then be sure to visit her website

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tropical Paradise

The bay at Trujillo is truly spectacular.  The sand is a cream color, the water is clear and bright blue.  Starfish and sea urchins abound.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Location for the Novel

TREACHEROUS  TRUST  is set in Trujillo, Honduras.  Trujillo is a beautiful town with lots of history; Christopher Columbus landed here on his last trip, and pirates roamed the clear, calm waters of the bay.  The town itself sits on a cliff (of sorts) overlooking the bay and cannons still watch over the Caribbean from the old Spanish fort.

Over the next few weeks, I want to share this gem of the Caribbean with you.  Enjoy!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cover Art

I want to thank SFlowers for the excellent work done for the cover art of Treacherous Trust, the first book in the Tropical Skies Series.

I would like to invite you to visit Amazon for your copy of Treacherous Trust.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Welcome to the Starfish

The Starfish Inn & Cafe is a fictional location in a real place.  It is a hospedaje owned by Holly McLairn and Dana Winston, both characters in the novel Treacherous Trust by yours truly, L. V. Delcid.  (I'm known to my friends as Lola.)  The several books of the Tropical Skies Series take place in and around Honduras where the fictional Starfish Inn and Cafe is located.  The Starfish is located in the real city of Trujillo which is on the Caribbean coast of Honduras.  Trujillo is beautiful, rustic, and just running over with history.  I hope you will enjoy getting to know Trujillo, both real and fictional.  Happy reading!